Sports Nutrition and Supplements

Sport nutrition in practice

sport nutrition


Our dieticians are expert speakers with a vast amount of Dietetic knowledge and both international and local experience, and has put together a comprehensive Workshop on all aspects of Sport’s Nutrition, including important information on nutrition supplements available to sports men and women.

An essential workshop for all Dieticians wanting to learn more about the PRACTICAL applications of nutrition for varying levels of sports.

Presenter: Sue Scharf

Sports Nutrition

The workshop covers:

  • Foundations of sports nutrition
  • Energy requirements
  • Fluids
  • Training nutrition – When, What, How and How much
  • Sport specific nutrition – Endurance vs. Power vs. Intermittent sports
  • Sport nutrition in practice

Sports Supplements

The workshop covers:

  • An introduction to sports supplements
  • What are supplements and how are they regulated/advertised/marketed?
  • Active ingredients
  • Endurance sports supplements
  • Muscle building supplements
  • Weight loss supplements
  • Sports foods


Attend either the Sports Nutrition of the Sports Supplements workshops or attend both at a reduced rate.


All of our workshops are available to be presented anywhere in South Africa, including smaller towns.


Please contact us if you have a group of dieticians who are interested in attending one of our workshops in your area.

Cancellation Policy:

  • Cancellation 1 month prior to the workshop will entitle you to a full refund
  • Cancellation within 1 month of the workshop will entitle you to an 80% refund
  • Cancellation in the last week will entitle you to a 50% refund
  • Cancellation 24 hours before or on the day of the workshop will mean that no refunds will be given.
  • Should DAW cancel a workshop due to unforeseen circumstances, a full refund will then be payable to delegates who have already paid.